Tag: spirituality

  • A Reflection on Good and Evil

    I wrote in my post “Tarot and Oracle Cards: Good or Evil?” that good and evil are concepts of the mind. I thought I’d elaborate on this, lest my readers think I’m crazy or evil myself. Nondual Reality is all there is, yes. This Reality includes all, accepts all, and transcends all, including moral concepts…

  • Tarot and Oracle Cards: Good or Evil?

    I had a friend, a very devout Catholic, tell me once that if I was going to use tarot cards that I mustn’t call them “tarot,” since the name has been co-opted for evil purposes. Now, if I refused to call myself a Catholic because evil things have been done in the name of Catholicism,…

  • Finding Abundance in Rest

    Finding Abundance in Rest

    As I tweak my post on war–definitely a heavier topic–I wanted to do a quick post on something lighter. I was discerning what to write about today, and it came to me that something I struggle with is resting well. Being in the midst of American culture, I’m inundated with media pushing perpetual productivity and…

  • What is The Power of One?

    What is The Power of One?

    The Power of One is a philosophy of life and a movement of people who live by that philosophy.