
I run two events each month: a Way of the Rose rosary circle and a lectio divina group.

The Way of the Rose rosary circle is welcoming to people of all or no religion who are dedicated to Our Lady and her beads. We don’t pray for humanitarian causes or political agendas. Rather, we offer up to the Lady the desires of our heart with sincerity and devotion. This group meets on the first Friday of every month at 6 PM. You must register for this circle, as our space is quite small. There are twelve spots available.

Sign up for our Way of the Rose circle here.

The lectio divina group is built around the Christian Scriptures. Anyone is welcome so long as they are sincerely searching for the divine. Lectio divina means “divine reading.” The steps are to read a short passage of Scripture, to meditate on it, to offer a prayer, and to rest in the divine presence. During the meditation, we will share around the circle what we feel the Spirit is communicating to us through the Scripture. There is no pressure to share. This group meets on the first Saturday of every month at 6 PM. There are eight spots available.

Sign up for our Lectio Divina Group here.

*** March 2024 is an exception to the rule of the dates. Our March circles will be on March 8th and 9th respectively.