It’s been over a month since my last post. I’ve taken this long hiatus to rethink the direction I want to take in my life, including what I hope to accomplish with this blog.
My original idea with The Power of One is that one person’s transformation can transform the world. I am now of the opinion that it’s collective transformation that will truly create the peace, prosperity, and justice that the world dreams of. And that collective transformation must be a change in consciousness.
I have these glimpses of what some spiritual teachers call nonduality. Elena becomes a role I play, rather than the person I am. It’s an experience of no-self, which, even though I use the word “experience,” is not a subject-object relationship. It’s a melding into Reality as it truly is: interconnected, all one, without separations. It’s in these moments of oneness that all sense of separation from other people and from the planet is shown for what it is, an illusion.
I write about these glimpses I have because my hope is to awaken into an abiding consciousness of oneness. Such unitive awareness is the key to our collective plight, and it is only by going on this journey myself that I can assist others by becoming “a finger pointing to the moon.” Ultimately, each persons’ journey is their own. No one can awaken you for you. No one has done that for me, though I’ve had plenty of teachers pointing the way.
The direction I plan to take this blog is to write from the perspective of this unitive awareness. This will encourage me to continue in the practices that help me to grow and maintain this awareness, and it will allow me to lift others up who need assistance on their path. I will most likely touch on a wide range of subjects, but the thread running through them is the awareness that we are all One in Being.
This blog is aimed at those who are perhaps dissatisfied or disillusioned with religion, who are seeking that “something more” which Yeshua/Jesus called the kingdom of God, who want to “wake up”. What’s funny about having started on the seeker’s path myself is that I keep finding what I’m looking for right where I am. My one desire is to remain in the awareness that the kingdom of God is right here, right now. I love plant medicine, magic, ritual, prayer, meditation, all of those things. But the truth is that what I keep looking for is right in front of me. And it’s right in front of you, under your very nose. May we only be given the eyes to see and the ears to hear.
So here’s to a New Year, 2024. May it be filled with Truth, Love, and Peace for you. I hope to write regularly, if not every day, even just a short post. Dear reader, visit as often as you like, and let me know what your thoughts are.